A solo episode with Stuart covering what the coronavirus is doing to personal trainers careers and how they can innovate to get through it.
In this episode, we have another special episode on the coronavirus. This time, I've asked Chris Burgess to come and talk about dealing with the coronavirus' effects on your business, how to handle a loss of income/ loss of clients, how to keep your head up and ensure your business comes out the other side and what your first steps should be. It's a must-listen in times like this. Stay safe, don't forget how big a role you can play in helping to support people through this and please don't suffer alone. I'm more than happy to help so don't hesitate to contact me - stuart@liftthebar.com
Everyone is anxious about the coronavirus just now. My goal with this episode is to:
Links Mentioned in The Episode
Chris Burgess Coronavirus Example Email
Corona Virus - An official Curious Stance
Let's start at 'worst case'
It's our intention to stay open until the time that the government tell us we aren't allowed to. Obviously we hope that closure won't be forced on us but in the event that we are:
We will be offering:
Daily home workouts that are streamed in this group
Daily 'FaceTime Lead sessions' where the coaches will have a group call with their Semi Private or Bootcamp group at the usual times. You do the workout from home and set your phone camera up in a position where we can coach you if needed
We will be offering to bring kit to your house for you to use, and we will suggest kit for you to buy for your home workouts too.
Let's now talk about 'bad but not worst case'
If we are told to close but the country isnt in some quarantined lockdown, we will run sessions from local parks. It's not ideal but it means we can still help you achieve your health and fitness dreams
Lets now talk about what we need all of you to do:
Wash your hands when you arrive and before you leave.
Don't come to the gym with colds, coughs or if your breathing is playing up. Please dont be offended if you are asked to leave because you have come in poorly - even if its mild.
Don't nick our toilet roll.
Please use the wipes we will put next to the inbody before and after you scan.
Please put your weights away. Fuck sake Greig.
Even if we have to close our doors we will be doing everything in our power to keep sessions running.
But to help us ensure that doesn't happen PLEASE PLEASE don't come into the gym if you have even the slightest inclination that you have COVID 19.
In today's show, I welcome back on Krista Scott-Dixon. I've had KSD on many times before and she always leaves me with a tonne of things to go away and think about. We get into what exercise/ movement means to her and how it's become a more integrated aspect of her life, how to help clients improve their relationships with food, why some amount of emotional eating can be a good thing and why doing the really simple things you tell your clients to do, like eating slowly, can be great learning experiences.
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In today's episode, I welcome on Kevin Mullins. Kevin is a personal trainer who has accumulated well over 10,000 hours worth of PT sessions. He works as Director of Product Development and Education for The St. James - A leading brand in Sports, Wellness, and Active Entertainment based in Virginia. We discuss why he hasn't opened a facility considering it was the logical next step, how we can make personal training well respected as a profession, how he grew his business inside of a commercial gym, hitting burnout and coming out the other side a better person and having to create Zumba style classes without the Zumba.
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Today I welcome on Martin Rooney from Training for Warriors. Martin was one of the first people we welcomed on for a webinar at LTB. His energy is infectious and it's hard not to feel pumped up after listening to him talk about being a fitness professional and coaching. We cover his background, finding your place in the fitness industry, becoming a better coach and his new book, coach to coach.
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Today I welcome on Lou Brierley. Lou was one of the early LTB members that truely helped form our LTB community into what it is today. He's got an incredibly interesting story that involves him growing a successful outdoor Bootcamp, turning that into a facility and then deciding to sell it all and travel the world. We get into how he grew things starting off, how he made his group sessions enjoyable and somewhere that his members felt comfortable and why he decided to sell his gym!
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In this episode, I talk to Alex Pearson about meditation. I've wanted to talk about meditation for a full episode for a while now as it's a topic that many guests have mentioned and it's very much something that most people are aware of nowadays. But is it as useful as you'll read online? We discuss it's origins, what the literature says about using it for depression, anxiety and weight loss, whether or not PTs should encourage their clients to meditate and some of our own experiences with it.
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In today's episode, I welcome on Liam Thompson from Internet FitPro - a company all about helping personal trainers get more clients and create effective websites that look great. Liam's had a really cool career in the fitness industry and although we don't delve into that much, we do get into a lot of useful information about how to create a FB ad using Internet Fitpro's formula, lead generation for trainers who work in commercial gyms and private studios and how he built his PT business using free sessions. If you want more clients, this episode is going to be well worth your time.
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In this episode of the LTB podcast, we have a from the archive episode with Krista Scott-Dixon from Precision Nutrition which was first posted back in 2017. We discuss her book, 'Why We Want Eat', what makes an effective coach, how to improve your self-awareness, empathy and much more.