In today's episode, we welcome on Tara Arndt from the School of Email. Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to watch Tara present at the Inland Empire Fitness Conference held in Spokane in Washington State on the topic of email marketing. As you may expect, our topic for this interview is on exactly that. We discuss how and why to use email marketing, how often to email, how to grow your list, what to do if you already have a list and much more.
- 0.50 - How Tara got started in email marketing.
- 4.25 - Companies that Tara thinks do marketing well.
- 6.50 - What she wishes more companies would do more and less of.
- 10.25 - How effective is email marketing in comparison to social media?
- 16.59 - Increasing open rates with emails
- 18.35 - How often should you email?
- 19.30 - How to use email for retention
- 21.35 - Where to begin if you wanted to gain new clients using email marketing?
- 26.15 - How to create a free download that can be used in exchange for an email address
- 28.40 - Some simple tips to grow your email list from your website
- 32.30 - What your autoresponder should contain
- 36.15 - When you should ask for the sale?
- 30.05 - Tips for staying consistent with sending emails
- 42.20 - Why putting something a PS in your emails is the most read part
- 45.50 - What you can do to grow your list if you already have one
- 48.50 - Book recommendations
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